This rather late variety will give you beautifull firm round white bulbs.
Its delicate taste reminiscent of anise will add originality to your winter dishes.
Culinary Tip:
Fennel is delicious in salads or cooked with gratin or stewed.
Culture Tip:
1. Sowing: Sow March to July in rows 40 cm.
2. Thinning: At 3-4 leaf stage, pull out small seedlings and keep only the strongest- leaving one plant every 20 cm. Cover the base of the plants as soon as they develope to obtain those perfectly white bulbs.
3. Harvest: Harvest from late July to November. For harvest from December to March, sow from mid July.
Companion Plants:
Fennel likes the proximity of turnips as the scent of fennel drives away fly turnip.